EHRscribe understands the priorities of a busy Practice Manager:

- Make the process transparent to my physicians. Physicians hate change. Use handheld recorders, use our telephone-based system, or even your own PCs.
With EHRscribe, your physicians never need to change their dictation habits.
- My physicians all want their own templates. Physician styles vary. Each wants his or her own format or template.At EHRscribe, we understand the value of physician individuality.
- We have a new EMR. The realities of a medical practice in the 21st century!All physician practices will have EMRs soon.EHRscribe is one step ahead.Our seamless interfacing makes it easy to populate your EMR, with minimal work from you.
- Personalized service is key. Need a STAT report?Missing a referring physician address?Not to worry.EHRscribe has you covered.Our support staff is available 24x7 to take care of your needs.
Custom Medical Transcription Services for Hospitals
Medical Transcription Technology and Infrastructure
Technical Consulting and Project Management